childhood unplugged

2016, childhood unplugged, family, Uncategorized

she turned eight and we did the usual birthday morning shenanigans.  waking up to a bedroom party door filled with balloons and streamers, favorite breakfast and presents.  then we packed up the trailer and headed for the beach for a couple days.  when some good friends bring your favorite drumsticks to finish the night off right nobody cares how dirty you are or how melted the ice-cream is, you just dive right in.

please join me in supporting the other photographers in our childhood unplugged movement by clicking here to see all our submissions for this month. also, follow us on instagram and remember to tag your unplugged moments with #childhoodunplugged for a chance to be featured on our IG feed.


a weekend in the mountains

2016, family, Uncategorized, us

a trip up to the mountains for a long weekend proved to be a great time.  the kids are all on board with doing this as many times as we let them.  they had a blast snowboarding and skiing and after a long day on the slopes we drove up the road and found a perfect spot to push ourselves down some sketchy hills and sled to our hearts content.  after a couple very minor (and very funny to watch) injuries we made our way to town for some warm plates of spaghetti.


growing up

2016, family, Uncategorized, us

being on the freshman basketball team has proved to be a lot of fun.  this is the start of four years, that will go far too fast for my mama heart i am sure.  fifteen with one foot out the door, on his way to manhood and all that life has to offer.  i feel time and my first born slipping through my fingers, and it is hard, like really hard.  in one corner i am so excited to see what becomes of his world and in the other corner i want to freeze time and never let him go.  the letting go is hard.  it’s inevitable i know, and it’s all part of the journey, and it’s all starting now.  i feel like i have so much to teach, so much to prepare him for, but also learn to take a back seat at the right time because mistakes are necessary and can, at times, teach him more than my words.
