fifty two weeks : week twelve

2012, five people twelve times, us

a picnic in the park with “nana banana” as they call her.  it is so nice to live close to my parents, i wouldn’t want it any other way.  i love that my kids get to be so close to them.

i kind of hate that ry has to be in school and has to miss out on some of these fun times.  and next year marley will be in school also, what a bummer (in some ways).  but it will be nice to have time with my littlest punk.  and lets face it, that girl is gonna love school, or at least the part of hanging out with friends all day.


five people twelve times : 3.11

five people twelve times, us

This growing up thing is scary business.  and trying to guide them in the right direction so that they grow up into good beings is so much harder than i could have ever imagined.  i pray everyday for the strength to do it the best i can.  sometimes i fall short and feel a bit defeated but i pick myself up and dust myself off and tell myself i will do better tomorrow.

i came across two quotes recently that reminded me of something i would want to tell my three over and over as they grow…

“don’t be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try.”

“don’t make somebody a priority if they only make you an option.” (that’s a good one for the dating years)

ps.  you may or may not have noticed that i never got around to our February shot… oops.

five people twelve times : 1.11

five people twelve times, us

So i came across this little project that a friend of mine did.  she’s an ah-mazing photographer and you should definitely venture over here to check it out.  it’s pretty simple… one photograph every month for one year of all five of us.  and in the end i will have twelve shots of us all together, which lets face it doesn’t happen to often since i am always behind the camera.  nothing fancy, just us.

this first months photo was a ‘hurry up get outta the car and get the darn shot cause it’s freezing’ kind of shoot.  but like i said nothing fancy.