A Mother + Child Session // Ashley Jennett

Mother + Child, Photography

As I was driving over Ashley, the mom, sent a text warning me to ignore their dog, Jimmie, and not to make eye contact with him or he’d pee on me.  Let’s just say, at that point, I was curious as to what would happen when I arrived and met this dog and was laughing all by myself as I walked up to the door.  Fyi, it’s harder than you think to completely ignore a dog that is trying with every bone in his body to get your attention, but I succeeded and stayed dry. Final score… me – one : Jimmie – zero

I spent the morning with Ashley and her three boys.  The two oldest were wild and full of energy as you would expect from any well-rounded young boy.  They both stole my heart right away and reminded me of my son. Hooper, the oldest of the brothers, was just as energetic, but I caught glimpses of his sweet, quiet side as he loved on his mama and took care of his baby brother.  Van was cracking me up as he bounced off walls and was excited to show me his ants crawl up his arms. And then there is baby Sonny, and well, he’s a baby with that adorable baby body so what’s not to love there.

We shot in their home which is every bit of wonderful and, I oohed and aahed at how it was decorated as I turned every corner. The whole shoot was so easy and carefree I could have stayed all day.  Ashley is hilarious and tells it like it is and, has a serious talent at being behind the camera. Do yourself a favor and go check out her work here if you haven’t already.  Oh, and i snuck dad in just as we were wrapping things up.
